Friday, July 20, 2007

4th Audiotheque newsletter

Welcome to the 4th Audiotheque newsletter, delayed by workshops, conferences and nearly being flooded out of my home earlier today. Really.

First of all, a big thank you to Bryan Rudd and his Radio Studies Conference team at Lincoln University. On Monday I gave a presentation on The Audiotheque to several academics working in the field of audio & radio from around the world. I got a very positive response and found that the general tone of the festival was very upbeat: this is clearly a very exciting time to be working in radio (or audio, depending on what side of the semantic fence you sit).

Anyway, I want to belatedly kick off this month with a look at the Audible Picture Show, run by artist Matt Hulse. Matt's being making innovative short films for a while now, and you can find out more about him at The Audible Picture Show is a project whereby Matt asks fellow film-makers to make short films, with no image present, for a cinema release. You can hear a short clip from each piece but if you've been to a screening let me know what it was like...

This is a fantastic project set up by the Sonic Arts Network to encourage young schoolchildren to think about sound in a creative way. Use your arrow keys to navigate a cute-looking sonic explorer around the map. When she lands on a hotspot you can hear some of the work created by the schoolchildren. My favourites are from Woodside School in square F7 but there are loads of really interesting pieces here that wouldn't look out of place on an experimental Radio 3 slot.

And finally here's a competition you can get involved in right now, run by the team at Chicago's Third Coast Festival.
If you haven't visited the Third Coast Festival site before, have a good look around. There's a great selection of audio programmes from around the world and they have a couple of podcasts that are well worth signing up for.

Have a great Summer, barring floods, hurricanes, pestilence etc!

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